
manicans can base jump 2

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last ight in a drunken stuper i decided to pca a manican off the roof of my buddies building she had a 35 degree off heading to the right I think it was bad body position.
and then like a total brian dead idiot she flew down the street and crashed into a car. set the alarm off and put a big dent in it. lucky for me rule # 1 in NYC mind your own business when u see something really crazy or some screams for u look the other way so i got down to the street just in time to cut away the cute and start making out full on hardcore with her monique is her name well thats what i call her so were makeing out because i dont want any one to think that a manican
made a fucking base jump. but as susre as the sun sets in the west new yorkers will see, on a daily basis people makeing out with posters in the subway and me screwing a manican named monique that just flicked the shit out of a building and then smashed some poor shleps car. but he important thing is that i had fun yes i know im crazy but i have not had sex with a real woman in 2 days
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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I really hope I get to meet you one day...
Your one of my BASE heros:$...


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I think he's a NUT

I'm assuming this is the same Magot as seen in the 2001 Pond Swoop video? If yes, then his insanity is understandable. He's had to put up with Sonic all these years. So let's cut the guy some slack.

Oh and even if he did or didn't PCA a dummy from a friend's building, and even if he did or didn't proceed to have sex with this dummy, it's still a ####ing hilarious story to be reading here, late at night. So deep down, I really do hope that that mannequin did make the jump since she'll have more BASE jumps that the vast majority of dummies in this world. Now if she could only learn how to pack. B|

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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So deep down, I really do hope that that mannequin did make the jump since she'll have more BASE jumps that the vast majority of dummies in this world.

I bet this new BASE jumper lives by your sig line as well...
"Less bitching, more jumping"
The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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Well, the manican got the "B" out of the way which is usually the tougher of the objects to get. Congrats. How soon for the other objects?

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yes i know im crazy but i have not had sex with a real woman in 2 years

Fixed this for you. :P

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I know you are from Jersey but there is a fundamental difference between a manikin and an inflatable dull, that Monique gal I once slept with in your basement was not a manikin I can guarantee you that.

By the way given your spelling (a sign of great intelligence so they say), are you referring to a manikin or a Mexican? If the latter then I apologize as Mexicans are known for off heading openings and hitting cars and maybe that night in the basement I happened to have slept with a dead Mexican, who knows, as the room was purple with yellow flowers and it smelled like spring.
You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points

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Oh my GOD

u are one digusting man know i am pretty sure she was a manican as ive ahd her for a pet for quiet some time Just for those loonley nights she never says no
and she never drinks my beer or wants me to share my drugs with her shes perfect except now she is all scraped up and has red piant on her perfect body
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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i'm pretty sure this is her..

Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?

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i'll pass on the sex scene

your missing out.

Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?

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I can garenty that now one here has ever seen me jump with a camera on my head because the oin ly i have was to show my video guys that shooty way is like shooting monkeys in abarrel
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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no this is his GF

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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I just dropped my bag of cheetos...dammit
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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Why didn't you tell me monique was gonna make a jump? I would have given up on a nights rest to come see that one!!! Remeber that time when you were ass raping her behind the bushes while I filmed the old couple's reaction,and all those kids playing b.ball in the courts by the park tried to jump us?!? They were all like " I"m a beat that sick little white boy down" .... those old folks were trippin out!

"Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death."
Hunter S. Thompson

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Magot - have you been hittin' my cough syrup again?

That's one funny story!


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[Attachments: magots gf.gif (26.0 KB) reply]i'm pretty sure this is her..

He looks pretty jawed up in that picture if u Know what I mean.
Track high, Pull LOW!!!

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duct tape....? That's his base card. When you enlarge the photo you can still see the white residue that must have something to do with that eager grin of his.

"Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death."
Hunter S. Thompson

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I rooled an 840 in skeeball last night the all time high for the bar I was in I guess im just good at everything.
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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I think the word "perspective" is truly necessary to understand ware, and yes, I do mean whair, magot is coming from...

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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