
Thanks to all who carried my a$$ to the hospital.

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Hey Tony,

The lady who took the pics of the jump kindly sent me those.

It's the freefall of you and Nick.

FYI Nick is freefalling an Ace 240 (No vents) with a 46".

Tony had his Flik 293 with v-tec and a 47".
You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points

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few more just to rub it in!
You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points

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Tony u did everything right remember i was ther and saw the hole thing the boggy monster slammed u into the ground I dont know what u did to piss him off but it was all him the basterd even luaghed when he walked by me. anyway if i could giive u any advise it would be loss some wieght
because u are really heavy when my little tight tasty ass has to carry u and dont pisws of the boggy monster. heal fast and dont free fall 230 in the bad winds u crazy fuck
all my love maggot
ps ill carry u anywhere
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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Post a pic of the Boggy monster.;)
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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I was searchig the web for a pic of the bogy monster and here is what i came up with.
You know you have a problem when maggot is the voice of reason at the exit points

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Yeah... It was just one of those things. You deal with the shit on your plate until you run out of altitude and then you deal with that. I wish I had swooped the landing dragged my leg and yelled yee haw as I stood it up next you guys with a smile on my face, but that's not how it happened this time. I did still have a smile on my face. And as I said previously I don't regret the jump and next time I'll know an object the distance of that pillar can easily come into play.

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[...] next time I'll know an object the distance of that pillar can easily come into play.

Just for my own reference, how far away would you say the pillar was (horizontally) from your exit point? My apologies if I missed that in the above...

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Hey Tony

Anytime. Thank YOU for making my first jump ALL THE MORE memorable and really hitting home just how serious this sport can be. The whole weekend was a pretty sobering one for me. Hope you get back on your feet soon.

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I wonder if that bridge has more jumps on it now then the NRG Bridge?

Don't feel bad about the hospital either. I live in Fairmont, WV and whenever I get hurt.... I have someone take me to Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, WV which is 30 mins away from my house. Fairmont General Hospital is only 5.. go figure...


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I believe that the distance between the pillars in 280... so the max you could be away would be about 140'

five highway spans: with 4 pillars 180'-280'-280'-280'-180'...
Pillars are 77' to around 226'

Anyway, Tony it was fun drinking with you thursday night. Heal up fast. I got there after you had been carried out.

Next year we'll have to get the photo-copier out for those complimentary drink cards-


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I would say about 100 feet. From the video it looks like about 3-4 seconds from inflation to impact had I not turned. It was definitely an object of intense concentration for a couple of seconds. In my video with a .6 lens it was all you could see for a second or so.

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Sorry I missed out on Friday and Saturday night but I assure you you don't want to be as fucked up as I was those two nights...

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I was wearing a good pair of Merril boots. I have landed hard in them a couple of times and they have really proven their ability. I would have still broken my one leg wearing Hanwag's or Crispi's. I had a screw in the ankle from a previous injury racing motorcycles and it bent the screw. The Dr. was completely bewildered that I could impact hard enough to bend that screw.

Five things may single-handedly prevented this accident. There may even be others that I have not yet discovered.

1. Don't jump
2. PCA or SL
3. Exit in a different direction
4. Toggles instead of risers
5. Turning left instead of right

All are options I didn't take.

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Stupid bridge. This is day 6 :(

No pain though!

I think that object has banged up nearly everybody I know.

edit: pic
A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world.

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Stupid bridge. This is day 6 :(

No pain though!

I think that object has banged up nearly everybody I know.

edit: pic

TJ you are one sexy bitch. And young too.
What exactly did you injure ? (I *assume* you saw a doctor)

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TJ: AHA! i told you your toes would soon turn purple...
"The reason death cannot frighten me, is because life has cured me of fear."
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Cleveland Skydiving

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Yep yep! It was one hell of a fall off a skateboard :P

Just a sprain. No break and the joint is tight. I should be back in the air by turkey time.
A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world.

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Stupid bridge. This is day 6 :(

No pain though!

I think that object has banged up nearly everybody I know.

edit: pic

TJ you are one sexy bitch. And young too.
What exactly did you injure ? (I *assume* you saw a doctor)

He sprained his ankle. Very similar to my fire-jumping incident at xenia a few months ago. His foot seems to be following the same progression of misery that mine did. Mine still feels weak and hurts 2 months later...

I highly recommend seeing a doctor too (theyll give you some reeeeally nice halloween candy.... just make sure you whimper in pain every time they touch it)
"The reason death cannot frighten me, is because life has cured me of fear."
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Cleveland Skydiving

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Cheers for the answer. Wasn't trying to catch you out. Just wondering if you had Vans on or something which might have been a factor. So many injuries could be avoided with proper footwear and ankle protection - this wasn't one of them.


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Bones always heal better than joints...Once the foot has healed and the swelling is down you will definitely want to do some rehab: Start with rolling the ankle in circles to loosen it and re-build muscle, eventually some swimming would help.

Hope you heal well.
Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM

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fire-jumping incident at xenia? heh. i haven't heard this one... do share! :-D

Lots of alcohol, big bonfire lined with large block-shaped rocks, and a bet with mooch for a packjob. I swear to god i made it on the first attempt... but just to prove that i won, i just haaaaad to do it again. I fell about 2 inches short and heard a really strange noise come out of my ankle.....

3 days and about 18 vicadin later, just when i thought i was about to go through a withdrawal, I show up in cincinnati to work on a tower, and my boss hands me another bottle of vicadin...
"The reason death cannot frighten me, is because life has cured me of fear."
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Cleveland Skydiving

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