
would you move from your state for base?

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i recently went out of state to do some "real" base jumps and realized: where i'm at now kinda sucks and i'm going back again=work realated. and if i have the same experience i did the last time i'm actually thinking about asking for a transfer of work out west.

is there something wrong with this? imean it's all about moving for base i'll actually be losing money i,e cost of living but gaining sites/weather and being around some cooler people etc.


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i didnt mean better(west only) i just meant in paticular to my surroundings. and what i had done out there and some of the people i met etc. and "real" again was just to my experiences. sorry about mywording!

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...in that case...

what makes you most happy, is best for you... but not necessarily for anyone else... if that makes sense.

my backyard playground is great... but the TRAVEL to other and new objects is more than half the fun.

good luck.:)

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dude. from the people i have met from east, and the time i have spent east, west is a much better place for just about every reason eaccept leaves in the fall.


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I lived on both sides and in the middle..... The leaves in the fall aren't all that great! But you gotta make do w/what you got, and if you don't like sliders, than the EC can be real fun. Plus the fines are nothing like they are if busted in CA. And maybe I'm just spoiled, but anything over a grand just doesn't sound like that big of a rush..... Plus 9/10's of the people in the east are assholes! but that just limits the number of personal relationships that might inhibit your selfish activities.

isn't a "real" base jump: illegal, at night, and usually involves evading security..... or have i just been tainted by NY?....

"Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death."
Hunter S. Thompson

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I'm just spoiled, but anything over a grand just doesn't sound like that big of a rush.....

Try it some time before you judge this playground. If you get bored with it, try opening as low as possible. My lowest opening from 900 feet was 90 feet over land.
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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Yes. To the place where, according to Outrager, you can fly wingsuit from a new big wall every week and never jump the same wall twice. B|

This is THE Shit!

Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps:
L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP
iOS only: L/D Magic
Windows only: WS Studio

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You can move to the "New River Gorge Preserve" it's 1.25 miles from the bridge!

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if you cant find objects arround you to jump from,you either need to open your eyes or stop thinking about BASE.

I NEVER went to any place were nothing could be jumped specialy not in our part of the world.

Well if you ONLY want to make big wall or legal S jumps yeah sure you probaly need to move,but if you just want to have fun and enjoy life then try explore your area first..

i speak from experience,i live in Denmark and the highest point arround here is the blonds tits pointing upwards on the beach in the summer(yeah we dont need all that clothing,like some other parts of the world:P)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I live in canada, but I moved east to west for both the jumping and snowboarding.... so if it's what ya want and you have nothing holding ya back (wife, kids) go for it bro

Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

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