
"King of the E****l T***r" jumps it for the fifth time

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...you're a jerk Johan.


This is a personal attack. Please review the Forum Rules. Personal Attacks on other posters are not allowed (that includes calling someone a jerk when you really do think they are a jerk).

I understand why you're angry, and I think most everyone else here does, too. Personally, I think you're totally justified in being angry. Still, you must follow the rules of these forums.

-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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There's a big group of jumpers here who won't leave this behaviour unpunished.

you have alot of anger and attitude. justified or not if you're going to browbeat, belittle and threaten a fellow jumper, at least be up front about it and identify yourself. i realize that filling out your profile is not required but when you attack someone as you have, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet is rather cowardly.

afraid of being flamed because you have an opinion? i fully expect to get flamed for posting this.


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I apologize for not respecting the forum rules. The fact is this guy simply doesn't care about anybody else but his own person. I would be surprise he really scores 935 jumps with this level of maturity.
For littlestranger, i don't try to remain anonymous.
And you?

Marc Audap

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Just saw it on the news in South Africa.....

Johan, how can you justify this by saying that you have no control over what they do with the footage? I just don't buy it. In my opinion, with that many jumps, you knew exactly what you were doing from the start and that's not very cool. Getting paid for working on doing a jump in Mexico or China, a novelty jump where there are many other parameters involved than just the jump (Red Bull or no Red Bull), sure, but getting through a security system to burn somebody else's object and have it advertized all over the world.....

Marc, littlestranger was referring to your profile sheet (ta fiche personelle). It's not comletely filled in. Littlestrangers is. It took me a while on that one but then again i'm a little slow sometimes.
Many people on this forum understand your point and even agree with you but you're being a little too aggressive even to people who might not be your enemies.


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> at least be up front about it and identify yourself
Littlestranger, I read your profile. You seem quite new to the sport of BASE.
Also, there are reasons that do not allow a BASE jumper to fill properly his/her own personal data, it is NOT to attack anonimously other people, rather to protect himself/herself from letting the world to know who he/she is, and for a BASE jumper who does jump ANY sort of object (as I do) this comes quite obvious.
Marc, on the other way, is an outstanding BASE jumper with brass balls, but he is NOT famous worldwide because he is French, and French BASE BASE jumpers very, very rarely come and write on English forums (in fact, it comes a surprise to me that Marc wrote here).
I know Marc by fame since 1999 because is a very dear friend of #657, my mentor.

> hiding behind the anonymity of the internet is rather cowardly
Not indeed, read above.

> afraid of being flamed because you have an opinion?
Have you ever thought for a while that he COULD be one of the locals whose object have been burned (there nothing worse than elude security and throw that in the authorities's face) and he has ALL the rights of the world (BASE ethics speaking) to be pissed off?
You seem quite young in the sport of BASE; wait few years, when you will have YOUR OWN objects, objects that YOU discovered, the YOU opened, that you know the know-how (how to get into, when to get into, how often it is adviseable to jump, etc etc) and then you will come to me and tell me if you are sad/sorry/pissed off if someboy coming from off-town came in and jumped your object in broad daylight, sending video to TV's, making fun of authorities, burning it.....
Just my 0.02€
Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 - base_689AT_NO_123_SPAMyahoo.com

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