basefetish 0 #1 April 28, 2006 All you guys and gals bitching about Jeb, Take it away Teddy Roosevelt: "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat." Step up to the plate, you pussies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PeteS 0 #2 April 28, 2006 That quote is actually on the wall in my home. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EMSchick98 0 #3 April 28, 2006 Jeb has quoted this too I believe on here "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base515 0 #4 April 28, 2006 see my reply in the other thread about Jeb. May we live long and die out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDaemon 0 #5 May 1, 2006 That's been posted on here and Blinc as well. I believe it illustrates the spirit and essense of what is admirable about the sport of BASE. I think it also says a lot about those who post online. -=Raistlinfind / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zodiac 0 #6 May 1, 2006 Good job to Jeb for his courage and for trying his best for everything go right. Now, sometimes shit happens. No real reasons for laying blames, bitching, moaning, and whining. Best wishes for the best outcome of our fellow jumper. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites