
Canadian backlash - Thrill-seeking must come at a cost

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How ironic that print media is advocating accountability.

Small town print media no less (dying a faster death than any faction of the media).

Kettle meet pot...or however that saying goes.

Cant even believe Im responding.....

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What a fucking tosser!! That guy (editorial writer) belongs on his couch in his safe house, never to venture outside for fear of getting West Nile Virus from a mosquito!

Seriously, the media people are sooooo retarded it isn't even funnny. I know this because my training is in photojournalism and I have worked at a large daily paper. I no longer do because it was such a joke!


I may hold a diploma in Print Jopurnalism from Algonquin College, but by the time I graduated, I had so little respect for journalists that I have never worked full-time as a journalist.
Fortunately, I got a job as a jump-master - right after graduation - and never looked back.

That lame-ass editorial was written by an editor - on a slow day - who had nothing better to do. We would be wise to ignore him.

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Whether or not other areas of the public utilize the services of rescue personell, those invoved in fringe activities, such as BASE jumping, should be prepared to pay for their own rescues.

Get your own rescue insurance... very simple solution.


Decades ago, the Nepalese - or was it Tibetan (?) - government required rescue insurance (or posting a rescue bond) before they would issue permits to climb major peaks in the Himalayas.

Sounds like a good practice.

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407 Squardon's primary raison d'etre is flying sick sailors from ships plying the Pacific Ocean.
Rescuing mountain climbers/BASE/hikers, etc. is a minor sideline.

A few years back, I enjoyed the privilege of doing a half-dozen coach dives with CSAR Instructors, from their Buffalo.
CSAR Techs are the best of the Canadian Armed Forces: no-shit professionals.

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Here is an article written in response to the "lame-o" who wrote the editorial in the Golden Star newspaper.

The Golden Star


Let me start out by first saying that I fail to fu
lly understand exactly what compels a 'Mcburger muncher' to 'waddle into our grease-fest establishments' with nothing but 'pepto-bismal' representing the difference between the achievement of a 'belly- boosting' feat and a gruesome and disturbing 'excretion'.

Nor do I pretend to see why some hardcore shoppers venture onto the transcanada highway when conditions and traffic risks are extremely high, throwing caution to the wind in the name of mall-cruising, or, just maybe, aiming to become a legend in the eyes of their kids who they expose to the same hazards.

I know at some level, in a childish sort of way, the act of defying the odds and rushing headlong into potential danger can produce some sort of rush or sense of excitement. So be it. To each his own. Perhaps I’m just a timid lame-o. And hey, this type of behaviour is common in an industrial town, right?

But this week’s news of a Heimlich manouver gone wrong just south of Super-size me way highlights a more troubling reality: Every time one of these slobs — and they are usually men, whether that’s a surprise to anyone or not — boldy (stupidly?) venture forth but screw things up, it comes at a tremendous price to taxpayers.

While it’s hard to gather an exact sense of how much a quadruple bypass like the one we saw on Sunday night might cost – one official has put it at $100,000 — you have to assume that it wouldn’t exactly be cheap to bring in a taxpayer funded medical service that supplies diabetic drugs, surgical teams and medical facilities, along with the various other resources that were required to save this ill-fated gourmand.

And let’s not forget the fact that countless residents were made to endure protruding jowls, distended bellies, fat asses and the sound of ambulances into the early morning hours. Or, most especially, that this rolly polly — seemingly in an attempt to either gratify himself or to curry favour among his fellow diners — put rescue crews in peril as they attempted to gurney the fat bastard “precariously close to the hospital,” as the authorities put it.

But what does this anonymous Joe average care about all that? Sounds like he was in from Arkansas for the weekend and, as members of his curious sub-culture are wont to do, decided to toddle up to the buffet Sunday afternoon to gather a fuller enjoyment of our lovely brunch.

It probably wasn’t so lovely, though, when he was stuck in a telephone booth in sub-zero temperatures waiting to be rescued because of his error in judgement.
The man was ulimately taken to Golden Hospital and treated for hypertension. But this should not be viewed in any sense by him, or anybody else, as a clean getaway.
When people, whether they be reality TV watchers or eater's of bad food, exercise extremely bad judgement, deliberately putting themselves and others in harm’s way, we all pay the price. And so, in turn, inactivity must come at a cost.

The only way to ensure guys like this understand the full impact of their actions is to hold them financially accountable.

Sitting on their asses might not seem like such a good idea if they have to foot the bill for their own fool-hardy negligence.

Aaron A.


The same could go for smokers, speeders, people who have sex without condoms, etc.

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