
NPS Comment Submittal

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I just quickly read this and I'm not sure what it applies to exactly. It's a post in a Paragliding forum about the NPS accepting public comments on its new 2006 Management Policies proposal.

Maybe we should all ask for BASE jumping to be recognized as appropriate park uses without requiring Special Use Regulations.

Just a thought.

edit: typo

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To make it easier:

Go here.

Put in your details, then type something like this (or cut and paste the below verbage):


I want BASE jumping and other forms of parachuting recognized as appropriate park uses without Special Use Regulations or Special Use Permits.

in the comment box.
-- Tom Aiello


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Actually the following was removed because of contested compliance with 36 CFR 2.17(a)(3).
So now there is a method of getting NPS to look at parachute activities under chapter 8 and 2.17

------Old deleted paragraph----- BASE Jumping
BASE (Buildings, Antennae, Spans, Earth forms) jumping— also known as fixed object
jumping— involves an individual wearing a parachute jumping from buildings, antennae,
spans (bridges), and earth forms (cliffs). This is not an appropriate public use activity within
national park areas, and is prohibited by 36 CFR 2. 17( 3)..


"Whats the difference between shit and applebutter?" - Kim Fuller

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Anyone else think this is a good way to get your name put on the "NPS Jumper Suspect List"?


Edit to add: But worth progress...

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I went and posted my comments. I'm not a BASE jumper. But am very much looking to make my 1st BASE jump. Just gotta get out of the land of sand and figure out just what I have to do.

Hopefully this will work in favor of you guys sport. Good luck!


Go Fast, Dock Soft.

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I think the NPS should allow back country parachuting within their borders and recognize BASE jumpers as low-impact park users. BASE jumping has evolved over the decades into a reasonably safe sport which causes little disturbance to the enviroment and puts other park users at no additional risk. I am not a short-sighted adrenaline junkie, rather the opposite indeed. I am a well educated man who enjoys being present in nature and back-country parachuting happens to do just that. Parachuting, despite popular biased belief, can in fact be quite relaxing and is little understood by park officials and legislators who have no experience with our sport. I believe there's no better way to enjoy our pristine cliffs, and I see no logical reason to prohibit us from the parks.

Thanks for your consideration,

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I think its a shame that climbers can use the park, but not BASE.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Anyone else think this is a good way to get your name put on the "NPS Jumper Suspect List"?

C'mon, the NPS told us that there is no list. How dare we doubt their word.
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went and posted my comments. I'm not a BASE jumper. But am very much looking to make my 1st BASE jump. Just gotta get out of the land of sand and figure out just what I have to do.

Hopefully this will work in favor of you guys sport. Good luck!

Aye same here.

Done aswell.

May Contain Nut traces......

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This is what I submitted.

I would like the Park Service to issue backcountry permits authorizing BASE jumps. BASE jumping should not require Special Use Regulations or Special Use Permits.

The process for obtaining a BASE jumping permit should be the same as for obtaining a backcountry hiking permit and should be subject to no more constraints than the backcountry or climbing permits to the same area, with the exception of permissable hours to jump.

If the Park Service would actually hold serious conversations with BASE jumpers a solution that provides minimal to no impact to the parks and other users of the parks could be found. The current situation where the Park Service has usurped the authority of Congress and made BASE jumping illegal by refusing to issue the permits they have determined are required, by misinterpreting the intent of the law, should not be allowed to continue.

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My comments:

With nearly 10 years and 2500 sport parachute jumps I am very disappointed that I must leave my home country and spend thousands of dollars overseas to make sport cliff jumps (BASE). My money is better spent here, and it is safer to not travel outside the US. As a whitewater kayaker and rock climber, I am used to dealing with access issues to enjoy my chosen recreational activities. I would appreciate the opportunity to persue sport cliff jumping in the finest areas of our beautiful parks under ideal conditions and without worries over legal issues.

My request:

I want BASE jumping and other forms of parachuting recognized as appropriate park uses without Special Use Regulations or Special Use Permits.

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Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting - "fcuk me what a ride!"

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It should be noted that public input regarding the changes to the National Parks Management Policy ends tomorrow night:


We welcome your comments on this project. The comment period closes on ' 02/18/2006 at 11:59 PM.' Your comments must be submitted or postmarked by midnight Mountain Time on ' 02/18/2006 by 11:59 PM.'

So PLEASE make your comments, hopefully with tact and in a reasonable, educated sounding manner, before tomorrow night's deadline.

Make your comments at the website Tom linked: Planning, Environment and Public Comment (aka PEPC - the gov always loves acronyms eh, hey maybe that gives us some advantage!)

I wrote Senator Ken Salazar about this issue and he actually replied to my letter. In the letter he referred me to the same web link inside a pretty detailed and customized personal letter.

It's never useless to stand up for our minority interests, but it's foolish to let discouragement keep us quiet.

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It should be noted that public input regarding the changes to the National Parks Management Policy ends tomorrow night:

well, it would if it was February right now.... :P

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