
Helmet - Gear question

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They carry Boeri and a few others. The guy said Boeri and Giro were the most quality brands and if I were loking for something to take a heavy impact I could look at these.

i were told the same,but here thyre twice as expencive.. and im not that much worth:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I went to look at helmets yesterday and got some interesting news. I went to Ski World to get a pro tech but the place didn't carry them. The guy I spoke too said they stopped carrying pro-tech becuase they were crappy helmets (which are primarily designed for skating even though they do make snowboard helmets) and didn't last. He said with skating you gonna hit your head but not as hard as if you making a huge jump or in a half pipe and you have a bad landing in snowboarding. He said there are better brands.

They carry Boeri and a few others. The guy said Boeri and Giro were the most quality brands and if I were loking for something to take a heavy impact I could look at these.

Any thoughts?


Just wondering if the salesman gave you any specifics on testing methods or certifications that Boeri and Giro have gone through? Most bicycle and snowboard helmets pass cpsc standards but thats all. Some, like Bell helmets meet a slightly higher standard but not that much higher.
How heavy are the helmets you saw? What materials were used?
Maybe the shop you visited stopped carrying Protec because they didn't sell like the cool new looking more expensive helmets. Protecs don't look as cool but might offer the same protection... just a thought...salesmen try to sell what they have in stock, they don't want you to go to the next shop to get that cheaper Protec when they have you in their shop with money to spend.;)

just looked up Giro and saw that they are a subsidiary of Bell, so they ARE a little more strict with certification.:)

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Well he didn't talk about that but he did say that the pro-tec use a material that does not go back to its originial form after an impact. I forget I haven't ahd time to research it yet.



Just wondering if the salesman gave you any specifics on testing methods or certifications that Boeri and Giro have gone through? Most bicycle and snowboard helmets pass cpsc standards but thats all. Some, like Bell helmets meet a slightly higher standard but not that much higher.
How heavy are the helmets you saw? What materials were used?
Maybe the shop you visited stopped carrying Protec because they didn't sell like the cool new looking more expensive helmets. Protecs don't look as cool but might offer the same protection... just a thought...salesmen try to sell what they have in stock, they don't want you to go to the next shop to get that cheaper Protec when they have you in their shop with money to spend.;)

just looked up Giro and saw that they are a subsidiary of Bell, so they ARE a little more strict with certification.:)

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Well he didn't talk about that but he did say that the pro-tec use a material that does not go back to its originial form after an impact. I forget I haven't ahd time to research it yet.


The new protecs have a new foam that does rebound to it's original form. Not sure the name of it though.


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Yea I saw something on thier website about it. I'm not the type to jump into stuff so I'll take my time a research it and figure out what to buy. Just busy right now with school. 2 weeks and then I graduate (AS business still got a lot left though)


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I would stay away from any helmet that uses polycarbonate or anything with the word poly in the padding. This stuff bounces to retain its form rather than breaking up from an impact (to absorb the shock). Would you want your head bouncing off a cliff wall? The new Pro-Tecs use polycarbonite construction (hard foam).

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I use a Pryme Vario Helmet, it is intended for Snowboarding, and has removable Ear Covers (2 buttons each cover). I also jump with full body armor. I reccomend the RockGardn Flak Jacket, CYA Shorts, FATE Carbon Gloves (with index and middle fingers cut off at the middle knuckle), and the Landing Zone Knee/Shin Guards.

BASE #958

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