
ankle protection

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where can i find a solid-strong-reliable ankle protection.........
i am searching but some advice are very appreciated

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I want Hanwags too. [:/] Being broke sucks.

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Being BrokeN sucks worse.

Get em!... Really!
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Active ankles
They have a website you can find on any seaarch.
There super nice.

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Get em!... Really!

Aside from the rig, my HanWags were the best money I've spent in this sport.... and I've spent a lot. ;)

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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money I've spent in this sport.... and I've spent a lot

rich kid:P

Just sad for people like me that already hurted them self.. i nearly cant stand to have socks on my feets as the touch the place were i broke my leg,wearing boots is a hell to me..[:/]

well no worryes i have planned that i wont get hurt again:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Are those a little too much for skydiving? I have bad ankles and am in the market for some good protection.

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Are those a little too much for skydiving? I have bad ankles and am in the market for some good protection.

i cant comment the boots as i never tryed them,it were a personal statment that i sadly cant wear boots like that[:/]
I guess it depends on how touchy your leg(s) are.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I wear Crispi's (roughly similar boot sold by BR). There has to be a dealer in Europe, as they are made in Italy. Not sure where the Hanwag's are made, but I'd guess they're from Europe, too.
-- Tom Aiello


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As soon as I get an extra coupla hundred bucks, i'll have some. A few of my friends have 'em, and they say they are nothing but worth it (seems thats the consensus).

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I'm assuming you have a pair of these boots. How are they in terms of foot mobility such that they allow or restrict you from pointing your toes while tracking? I'm assuming they provide very good ankle protection, but at what cost? Then again I was jumping with my hiking boots last weekend and I don't have a whole lot of mobility in those boots as well, so maybe this is all a mute point?

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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How are they in terms of foot mobility such that they allow or restrict you from pointing your toes while tracking?

The Hanwags are high enough up your ankle that you can't point your toes as much as normal - at least that's what I've found. For anything other than ws base I don't think it's a major problem but I plan on getting another pair of lower boots for ws stuff - especially if you're jumping something like the S3 where the wing extends right down to your toes.


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Tracking is easy in them. You can point them well enough but not flat. Besides, you'd be surprised at how little not pointing them at all, will affect the track. I can track quite well. Get in some tracking races with some skydiving folks... your technique will improve. (races... not tracking dives...real races). So in short.. don't worry about tracking in them, it's easy.

Look at a set and you'll see why they are so nice and get a pair.

They're light weight. Have a curved up sole for ease of walking and climbing steep sandstone. They're also good for ladder climbs.

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Don't forget, with Hanwags you can kick big holes in a wall and it doesn't hurt:o

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Don't forget, with Hanwags you can kick big holes in a wall and it doesn't hurt:o

That's another use for them. I havne't tried it out. I'll go home tonight and bust out the bricks on the back wall of my living room.

My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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There are worse things than broken bones....like a tri-ligament strain. I've had both and ligament and muscle tears on your ankles are much worse than a borken tib/fib.

Hurts like hell and it doesn't heal![:/]

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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hey - trouble is with high impact you do both your bones and ligaments!

and yeah hurts like hell doing it and hurts like hell getting better!!

back to hospital today for Xrays to see if everything is ok for surgery in 3 weeks and if im getting bone growth in my "missing part" of fib.............

ah the joys of getting out the house!!!


Quick recovery to all those others who are injured!! (especially the dual leg injury people!!!)


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