
Aurora container

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I will post a detailed review and video shortly. The container is very well made extended body of container makes for very easy pulls. Its slim line design also means it feels more comfortable in the aircraft. Though the primary focus is safery and performance. Super clean deployments never say never but very hard to get lime twists. The magnetic risers work nicely the overal design integrates very cleanly with the wingsuit and it does what it says on the tin. I jump an odyssey normally whoch is also a great container but the Aurora reduces chance of bag tumbling out of tray as the whole tray opens very cleanly. Overall great design and if you want a dedicated wingsuit system you cant go wrong.
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I have about 25 or so jumps on mine now (around 400 WS jumps total). Love it so far. The pull is so easy it feels like cheating. The main pack tray drops away so there is absolutely no resistance as the bag is removed. I've taken some rear-facing video and it's just ridiculous how easily and symmetrically the deployment occurs. Don't tell anyone ;), but I've also taken mine on a handful of freefall jumps and I haven't had any problems.

The combo of the Aurora with an Atair WinX (or any wingsuit-specific canopy, I'm sure) means that I actually look forward to my deployments now.

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What I've seen so far of the container was that its 'maybe' a nice addition for performance flying, but on normal flocking/flying (in the two people I've seen use the rig in active jumping) there seem to be no real benefits, and (in my view) some negatives.

The rig behaves like a plank on ones back, so any subtle bend of the waist, or even with a straight body, but just a roll on the shoulders, the rig comes 'up' and forms a big sail on the back. Adding a lot of drag. Both belly and backflying (when diving a bit for a speed round, pushing shoulders down) you can see this 'extention'. You can see the aurora compared to a normal rig in the picture attached. Shape wise, I see little aerodynamic benefit.

Another major gripe I had with it is the PC pouch.

It could house almost 2 PCs, and unless modified (by sewing it in two/half) should not be used for any backflying or speed rounds. Its way too loose. At least on the two rigs I saw, the jumpers both had it moving around and hanging out a lot by just getting up in the plane, and had to actively monitor it so it doesnt develop into a premature opening. Both rigs I saw would have needed modified/new PC pouches that actually fit a normal PC. As (without exaggerating) it could fit a tandem drogue in the current shape/size.

I think biggest issue with this rig, compared to low profile base rigs, is that it doesnt flex/bent, to conform to the shape of the body. As mentioned, flying flat, its okay, but any sublte bend, and it adds more drag than it (maybe) takes away.

The reserve being the same size/shape as normal container, and the actual main being mostly in the burble anyways, where there is little to no airflow, aside from steep speed rounds, for me personally it would not be worth the investment.
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Interesting observation. I hadn't thought about that so I went back through some video to see if I could spot that "sail" effect. I definitely didn't see it as pronounced as on your screenshot, and it's always felt very smooth to me. However, I'm 6'3" and I think being taller will help mitigate the container sticking out too far. I've also been sure to snug the laterals down big time (I personally don't like that they're adjustable).

I do agree with your point about the PC. I think it's too big, but I've been able to mitigate that by packing so that the side flaps of the main container cover more of the PC pouch. I've done ~15 backfly jumps with it so far and haven't noticed any movement.

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I have about 50 jumps on mine now. I'm 6'2" and have the smallest container with an Epicene 130 and PD113. My main focus is performance flying and WOWS events.

Regarding the points raised previously with respect to my container:

- the BOC holds the PC firmly
- when the adjustable laterals are correctly adjusted my container hugs my back nicely, at the beginning I did one jump with what turned out to be loose laterals and the container lifted off my back at the bottom.
- I haven't done any back to back comp runs with my old container (Curv 2.0 VC0 - same canopies), but the most noticeable difference is high speed stability. Buffeting at around 160+mph has been significantly decreased and has made speed runs much more enjoyable. I would attribute it in part to the way the Aurora's yoke tapers into the neck area. The Curv cups air before it spills over the container and between the bio yoke and regular yoke onto the arm wing. This alone was worth it to me.
- the taper of the container can change somewhat depending on your packing method and how bulk is distributed. A nicely packed main and PC give a nice taper into the tail wing.
- the container is about 2-3" longer than my Curv so the PC is in a more comfortable area.

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