
Wing Suit Safety Quote

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I am a student at the University of Wyoming and am writing a paper on wing suiting. I was hoping that someone with wing suit experience could provide me with a quote on specific dangers of wing suiting. I am currently an AFF student so I do not have any experience in the discipline.

If you comment I can send you an email with more details and what I need specifically for my paper.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give!

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Perhaps sonce your trying to learn you could get on the magical internet and do some research or even talk to people in the real world at dropzone. Rather than ask others to do your work for you. You might just learn something then. There is so much information out there that is readily available to anyone that can be bothered.
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"Wingsuiting adds risk over and above a normal skydive in the areas of equipment, exit, navigation and opening."

You forgot the most important, the suit is one more item that has to be color coordinated. Fashion is everything.
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I'm sorry if I came across as trying to get someone to do my work for me. I was simply interested in hearing from some experienced wingsuiters to get some additional information. We are not permitted to simply use google as it in and of itself is not a credible source. We are required to use educational databased which did not have quite the piece of information I was looking for. I am a student and am interested in the subject. I have no desire to cheat or take the easy way out of an assignment. I simply thought that this website would have some members that would be willing to help a college student with a school project.

Instead of accusing me of cheating why don't you reach out to me and see what I am really asking for.

Take care.

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We are not permitted to simply use google as it in and of itself is not a credible source.

Of course Google isn't a credible source. Google isn't any kind of source. Google doesn't publish articles. Google is a search engine. You use Google to search for credible sources.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Firstly never accused you of cheating, and secondly I never mentioned google. I suggested you talk to someone on a DZ, yes we can all list you a bunch of pretty well understood and issues and some less so. If your doing AFF you must visit a DZ and hence you could bring your presentation to life by sitting down with a wingsuit coach or flyer and actually talk through the issues and relate them to the aircraft DZ and a wingsuit. That's where I was coming from not a google my answers approach. Their are some very good guidance pieces on national governing bodies and excellent resources like flylikeabrick etc
Dont just talk about it, Do it!

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You don't have to be sorry, this is a forum where people ask questions, and if other people seem annoyed for your question, they should just skip it and don't answer. Unfortunately courtesy it's a long forgotten trait around here.
The mind is like a parachute: If you don't open it, it doesn't work.

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