
phantom 1 gripper pocket

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Ok...stupid question maybe... but I couldn't find any answer or photo doing search on the forum.

I just bought a used phantom 1 wingsuit. I found out that there is a kind of pocket on the armwing gripper. I'm wondering how it was design to be hold...Is it for the thumb to go in (creating a small curve on the inside/front side of the wing) or for the fingers on the back of the wing. I tried both way...and I believed it's easier to hold it with thumb inside...but could'nt figure if it's the right way... It's pretty hard to explain the question...I'll try to post some photos of both way to hold gripper by tomorrow.
Thanks !

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The grippers are designed in such a way that you can position the hand on them in various ways. Holding the grippers with the last 2 fingers, hooking a thumb behind them, or simply holding them with the whole hand.

The grippers are mostly used in the 80>100% flight range to finetune the direction/angle of the wing. Try not to use them to pull on the wing, or as airbrakes during normal flying as that leads to less stable flying due to to much tension.

Fly a smooth and airodynamic shape with your body, and ignore the elbow joint. only hinge at the shoulder, and treat the whole wing as a door. With all flat being 100% and all back (still straight) being 0%. This gives you the most fine controls over you flight.
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