
S-fly flight Info

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Hi guys , I've searched the forums to see what people are saying about the elite and how it flys compared to other suits but can't find anything. If there is anyone out there who has flown the elite, please chime in and share your thoughts. Thanks guys

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I have flown the Profly, Elite, Phantom2 and Shadow2 just recently.
In my opinion both the Profly & Elite are similar to the Phantom 2, but have less performance (could totally be my skills, but I have more jumps on SFly than on PF suits).
Both the Profly and Elite have cutaway cables like the PF suits (which is important to me), are a lot of fun, but the lower pressurization can get tiring. I have not jumped Tonysuits.

Fly before you buy.

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In lou of anyone else chipping in....

I haven't flown the Elite but do have 450+ jumps on the Access, Expert & Verso, combined.

I would say B52 is right about pressurisation/fatigue versus suits like the Phantom and Shadow, of which I have tried the latter once and flown/coached with the former.

However, the S-Fly suits are meant to fly faster with more tension and you get used to it...lol.

I could fly my Expert with most flocks after a few hundred jumps but found I could not float (i.e. slow vertical with slow forward) as well as others or be as responsive (i.e. such quick changes in pace or atlitude). I suppose you could say it was harder for me to fly with others than it was for them to fly with me but I put a lot of that down to my own skill level at the time. The Verso gives me all these and much more, which does have a airlocked leg wing cell like all new S-Fly suits, as far as I am aware.

I would expect the Elite (AND Verso) to be capable of a lot faster forward and, hence, slower downward than this: http://www.paralog.net/ppc/showtrack.php?trackid=12960


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Will happily settle for measurements in things like "width of smile" or "length of time grinning after the jump" etc.;)

Ok...the "Review"....:-)

I did today three jumps...
The first one was a good solo jump from 13.400ft and deploy at 3.200 ft..
The first thing I noticed was...SPEED...and GLIDE-LIFT..
I had 111 sec flight..
The second one was from 13.700ft and deploy at 3.100ft..
I had 125 sec flight..!
The third jump was with a friend of mine..He has a profly,grip version...I didn't have a long time of flight because "you can't" fly in full speed while jumping with others....but I noticed that the suit "ELITE" has a lot of power and performance..It is a very powerful suit.I was close enough to profly..and I had much more power to go away if I wanted to..
My previous suit was an s-fly expert....and this suit is a big step from the expert...Not hard and difficult to fly..but for sure have a lot of things to learn with it..
Now about the smile thing....I am still smiling..:-)
I am very satisfied with this suit...and I believe after a few more jumps...I will reach very easy 2,5 to 3 minutes of flight...
I have one question....
I had a sony cx series on top of my RAWA....and when I was looking left-right to see my friend...I had turbulence and not a stable flight..until i look forward and down again...This happened because of the more forward speed???
I did't felt this before with my expert..same setup...
I suppose the forward speed was responsible for that...?
That's all..
Hope this helps..

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Thanks for the review.
When looking left or right, you are probably not just rotating your head on one axis, but also shifting your weight and that could cause the instability, but I am just guessing. Have someone film you.

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Sorry to say that, but 2min are not so impressive. What was your distance, you are flying this day with the suit?


I will reach very easy 2,5 to 3 minutes of flight...

Why do you think that? Are you a big an not so heavy man?

As I said above...I am not the right guy to post a review for ANY wingsuit..I don't have the experience to do that...also I don't have experience in different type of suits and brands...
I don't have a high number of wingsuit jumps...to be able to judge a suit...
To answer to your post...
For me it is "huge" to past 2 minutes flight...."125 sec" My personal record with my expert after 25-30 jumps was 115 sec....so when I saw 125 sec on the second jump I was impressed.
Thats why I am saying i will do 2,5 or hard three minutes after a few jumps....Maybe I'm wrong....but I have this feeling...

I am not a big guy...I am 1.62 cm tall..and 68kg...
But I am impressed from the performance of the suit...and i am very happy and satisfied..
The size of the suit is smaller than the "small" size of the factory...If I did over 2 minutes flight.....imagine someone with larger suit than mine...(medium-large etc)....with bigger wings-surface...am I wrong?
I found the suit very easy to fly and very powerful..
At least this is my opinion...
I don't want to convince anybody to buy this suit...;)

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Thanks for the review.
When looking left or right, you are probably not just rotating your head on one axis, but also shifting your weight and that could cause the instability, but I am just guessing. Have someone film you.

I am not sure about that....because on the first 2 jumps I had only the gopro in front of my helmet (not on the top)....without any problems....

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Have someone film you :)
I felt the range of the Elite was more horizontal than vertical. Did you have the same experience?

I jumped with a guy with profly grip version....but he wasn't able to fly with me...( only 10 wingsuit jumps)
I had more power and the purpose of the jump was to "push" the suit..
I thing I had the same feeling with you....I have the altimeter on my chest...and I had a slow falling...and more forward movement...when I was looking the ground..

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